The Ultimate Business Card is Here

Create and share cards to boost your brand or business!

Get Started


Share your VCards

Share your business information directly with prospects via SMS, email, or other methods.

Scan QR Code

By scanning your QR code, your client can view your details and share the code with others.

Social Media Links

Your Client can follow you on social media accounts. You can also include areas of your business by sharing your social link.

Various Range of Templates

You can choose from various templates for your VCards and share them with your clients.

Pricing And Plans

We offer a range of monthly and yearly plans (e.g. Free, Pro, and Business) to suit your needs.

Click On Call

Your client can easily contact you by tapping on your phone number.

Modern & Powerful Interface


Make Smart Business Cards!

With smart business cards, create custom micro websites to elevate your brand. Key benefits include:

• Custom URL*
• Professional templates
• Full customization (fonts, CSS, JS)*
• Social links
• QR codes*
• Appointment scheduling*
• Product listings & Gallery
• Analytics*
• Multi-language support
• Password protection*

*Require paid plan

What is a Xhib.Link VCard?

A smart digital business card where you can create and share custom micro websites to boost your business branding, integrate social links, schedule appointments, and track analytics. The ultimate companion to centralize all your info without the worry of high fees or limitations of link in bios tools.


How Does it Work?

First register: to sign up and confirm your email. Then log in and choose a plan and template. Next customize your card by adding business info, social links, services, and more. Finish by publishing then: Share via a custom URL or QR code. Want to make changes? Manage via the dashboard to edit as you wish.

Choose a plan that's right for you


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